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Zombie Apocalypse Plan Question 3 ~ Who will be on my starter zombie apocalypse team (ZAT)?

Although usually portrayed as tough as Jason Statham, the lone wolf rarely evades being noshed on and turned into one of the zombie horde.  Surviving the ZA is a team effort.

Lets be honest here…  Who didn’t appreciate having a teammate in Resident Evil 0 and 5?  Who wasn’t thankful for having three people to back their character (even if they were CPUs) in the Left 4 Dead series?  Who thought Columbus wouldn’t make it through Zombieland without Tallahassee, Wichita, and Little Rock?  How many times do we yell, “She’s going to die,” when some chick decides to wander away from her ZAT?  We acknowledge and appreciate ZATs because we know if we were really faced with the ZA and didn’t have the teammates to back us, “screwed” would be nowhere near an adequate enough word to describe our situation. Read the rest of this entry